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CDC COMMUNITY GUIDE: Interventions to Reduce Depression Among Older Adults: Clinic-Based Depression Care Management


An Evidence-Based Practice


Clinic-based depression care management involves:
• Active screening for depression
• Measurement-based outcomes
• Trained depression care managers providing case management, and
• Primary care provider and patient education, antidepressant treatment and/or psychotherapy, and a supervising psychiatrist

An older adult is defined as 60 years of age or older.

The Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends depression care management in primary care clinics for older adults with major depression or chronic low levels of depression (dysthymia) on the basis of sufficient evidence of effectiveness in improving short-term depression outcomes.

Results / Accomplishments

Results of the Systematic Reviews:
Two studies evaluated the effect of clinic-based depression care management.
• One reported a 45% response rate and a 25% remission rate for subjects with major depression or dysthymia.
• The other found a 55% response rate and a 36% remission for subjects with major depression after a similar time period; no statistically significant improvement was found for subjects with minor depression.

The evidence should be broadly applicable to primary care clinics across the United States including various clinic size, healthcare systems, urban, suburban and rural settings, and participants ranging in age, health status, gender race/ethnicity, education level, and living alone status.

About this Promising Practice

Primary Contact
The Community Guide
1600 Clifton Rd, NE
MS E69
Atlanta, GA 30329
(404) 498-1827
Health / Mental Health & Mental Disorders
Health / Older Adults
Community Guide Branch Epidemiology and Analysis Program Office, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Older Adults

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